On Purpose Wanderer

Originally featured on onpurposewanderer.com, a travel inspiration website created by Chase Warrington.  In the “Featured Wanderers” section of my site I’m going to be introducing other people who have incorporated work into their travels. I was once inspired by an article that encouraged me to live a life based on seeing the world, without having to give up a somewhat normal […]

Yoga in Roatan, Honduras

Last month, my friend and colleague Kara and I were lucky enough to spend a few days on the Bay Islands in Roatan, Honduras. Directly following our medical trip for Operation Smile, we hopped on a 45-minute plane ride from San Pedro Sula and spent the weekend lounging, eating delicious food, snorkeling, zip-lining, unwinding. The highlight of the trip for me was the incredible yoga […]

The Thousand Year Journey: Oregon To Patagonia

Recently, I’ve been craving a sense of balance and structure in my life. For the last year and a half, I’ve been bouncing around the globe, coordinating and leading medical trips, and it can be insanely exhausting. Feeling particularity run down after returning from Ethiopia, I found myself online searching for some inspiration. I stumbled across this video, made by a […]