On Purpose Wanderer

Originally featured on onpurposewanderer.com, a travel inspiration website created by Chase Warrington.  In the “Featured Wanderers” section of my site I’m going to be introducing other people who have incorporated work into their travels. I was once inspired by an article that encouraged me to live a life based on seeing the world, without having to give up a somewhat normal […]

In Ghana, family’s experience turns to advocacy

Deborah is a joyful, smart and eager child. You wouldn’t know it by talking to her but she’s experienced a lot of hardship in her five years. Moments after Deborah’s birth in 2011, the family noticed her facial deformity. It was something they had never seen before – a condition they didn’t know existed. They were devastated. Deborah and her […]

Operation Smile Global Headquarters

  Last year the City of Virginia Beach donated almost ten acres to Operation Smile in the Princess Anne Commons area — Virginia Beach’s “Academic Village” — for the new Global Headquarters. I’ve watched the setup of the building evolve over the past few weeks since I’ve been here and I am really impressed. The interactive resource center is what […]